What it’s like working with a capsule wardrobe stylist

Let me know if you can relate:

You have an overstuffed closet full of clothes you don’t like, that don’t mix and match easily, and even though you can see that you do in fact have plenty of clothes, you often feel like you have nothing to wear. 

And what’s worse, when you do manage to get dressed, you feel bored, uninspired, unattractive, and like you’re just putting on clothes because society says you HAVE to be dressed… but being a nudist would be so much easier. 

If this is you, you are EXACTLY the person I want to help! 

Your wardrobe should not be a place of stress, it should be a place of fun, self-expression, and a tool to help you build confidence!

Today, I want to share with you a client’s capsule wardrobe that we put together as part of my Capsule Consultations. No matter where you are in your style journey, I’m confident that I can help you build a wardrobe that you absolutely love.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • What the process of working with a capsule wardrobe stylist is like

  • The reason why so many people have so many clothes, but only wear 30% of them

  • The most important thing I want you to take away when you are working with me

If you’re interested in working with me, you should book a free 20-minute consultation! You can do so by joining my email list, the link to my calendar will be at the bottom of your welcome email. 

If you’re ready to book, you can do so now! Pick your favorite package and secure your spot. I look forward to meeting you!