Is color analysis worth it?

Color is one of those elements in fashion that can have the most impact with the least effort. Wearing colors that harmonize with your natural skin tone can make you look healthy and well rested, whereas wearing the wrong hues can drain the natural color on your face and even make you look sickly and tired. 

But figuring out which colors look best on you can be incredibly tricky. I have asked makeup professionals, hairdressers, etc. about my coloring; I’ve also taken many online color analysis quizzes and they all told me something different. And the worst part was that when I tried their recommendations, I just didn’t feel like they had that much of an impact; in some cases I even felt worse!

I knew that if I was having this problem, many others were probably struggling with the same thing, so I figured I needed to find a professional to help me. But with so many companies offering color analysis services, how do you know where to begin? Is getting your colors done even worth it?

Today, I’m sharing my own color analysis experience. I’ll share:

  • Why I decided to get my colors professionally analyzed

  • Why I chose House of Colour for my color analysis, 

  • What the experience of getting your colors done is like 

  • My honest thoughts on whether color analysis is worth it.

I knew that color analysis was a big topic that would bring up a lot of questions, so Melany and I filmed a Q&A video to follow this one. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss that video!

Click the image to check out Melany Carlos’s work on Instagram! @houseofcolour_arlington