Capsule Wardrobe Q&A!

As much as I enjoy making the YouTube videos and helping many people at once, there is nothing quite like being able to answer the questions that you specifically have.

And even though wardrobes are very personal, the struggles we have with them seem to be pretty universal. I’ve learned in the last couple of years that when somebody writes me asking for help with a specific problem, chances are there are many more that struggle with it as well. Answering your questions has helped me create some of my most useful videos to date.

In this video, I’m sitting down for a chatty Q&A and answering your specific questions! I’ll be answering questions like:

  • How to tell if a color works well with your complexion when you’re shopping

  • How to stop buying clothes for your fantasy self

  • What you can do when you haven’t gotten an item tailored, but it needs an alteration.


As mentioned in the video, I am in the process of hosting small Zoom group sessions where you can ask me anything you want when it comes to your wardrobe. If you’re interested in attending one of those, make sure you join my email list, since those will only be announced there!