Putting Together A Capsule Wardrobe Using Pinterest

If you’ve never put together a capsule wardrobe before, going through your closet and pulling out pieces that you think may work can seem a bit daunting. When I first started putting together capsules, my clothes were just not that exciting to me, and pulling all of them out and to go through them was more of a chore than a fun way to be creative.

At some point I began putting together my seasonal wardrobes with Pinterest before I even began pulling my off-season clothes out of storage or shopping for new items. I noticed that it was much easier to select which pieces I actually wanted to wear and to notice the themes and patterns of my taste. My clothes used to feel like a collection of random pieces that didn’t have a lot of rhyme or reason - but seeing it all on a screen helped me create cohesive wardrobes that actually made sense.


Whenever I feel the urge to shop for something, I plug it into my existing wardrobe board. It lets me instantly see if the piece I am eyeing fits nicely with my existing wardrobe, or if already own something similar. It was saved me from spending money on pieces that are very similar to something I already own out of caprice, and saved me money on items I will never wear. Plus, Pinterest is a great place to go to for new inspiration when I’m feeling like I need a bigger revamp but I am not sure exactly what I want.

In this video I take you through the steps I take when building both my personal wardrobe board, and any new seasonal capsule. I hope it inspires you to not only shop your own closet, but that it gives you a sense of ease when creating wardrobes each season!