Sticking To Your Good Habits During Times Of Social Distancing

I want to begin by acknowledging that we are currently living through one of the strangest, most confusing times. While I have been making a conscious effort to not add to the noise, I don’t want to say nothing and pretend as though it is business-as-usual, because the truth is that it is most definitely not. 

However, when I look at my day-to-day, it does not look that different than it did a couple of weeks prior. I miss seeing my friends and going to the grocery store without any stress (shopping for food being the only kind of shopping I actually enjoy), but other than that things are kind of the same. When I started thinking about why, I realized that the routines that keep me sane and grounded have not been affected at all by the limitations of this time. The habits that I perform every day to keep me feeling cared for are just that - habits - actions that I perform without much fuss, energy or effort.

This series of good habits (yoga, meditation, etc.) did not start out as habits, but by now they have become activities that I crave and very much feel like I need in order to feel ‘normal’ - much like I need to brush my teeth in order to feel ready to leave the house in the morning.

This got me thinking that as difficult as this period is, it is a great time to establish and stick to new good habits, or reinforce the ones that we have struggled with a little bit. With the decreased noise of social obligations, commuting, even choices, we are left with a lot of empty space to fill. This empty space, used to our advantage, can be a great resource for helping us establish good habits that we would otherwise be struggling to stick to.

I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well during this period, and that you are staying happy and healthy as much as possible. And if you’re one of the people keeping our society running during this time, to you, I say thank you. 

Thanks for watching!