How I Trained My Body for Changing Sleep Schedules

I work a job where my schedule can change drastically from day to day. Usually, the work week starts early and I report to work around 5:00 AM on a Monday. The schedule gets progressively later throughout the week, and by Friday, I may need to sleep all day so I can work an overnight shift (we call these ‘Fraturdays’).

Because of these drastic changes, I needed to find a way to make sure I was getting enough and proper rest no matter what time I needed to get in bed. Over the years I tried a ton of different things, but what I found most beneficial was creating a consistent bedtime routine to follow the exact same way whenever I wanted to fall asleep.

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, explains that our habits are ignited by cues that create cravings, making us perform a response (i.e. the habit). I found that creating a series of cues would trigger a sense of sleepiness in my body, which allows me to fall asleep quickly, simply out of habit.

As it turns out, having a strong bedtime routine has come in handy for more than the changing schedule. I have used it to adjust to jet lag, for when I have to fall asleep in new environments, even when I want to fall asleep on long flight! Following my routine in the exact same order every time always makes me feel sleepy, and even when I only have time to get a few hours of sleep, it is ten times better than tossing and turning for hours!

I hope you find this video informative and helpful. Thanks for watching!