10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Dog

I wasn’t looking to get a dog when I first met Buttercup outside of a Whole Foods in California. In fact, at the time I had just made a very convincing argument about why I did not want a dog and was not ready to commit to having one. But, as I approached the entrance to the store and walked past the Animal Wellness Foundation adoption event, I took ONE look at her (and I mean ONE), and I just knew this dog was meant for me. 

A photo of Buttercup the day I first met her.

A photo of Buttercup the day I first met her.

I’ve had Buttercup for a little over five years. I like to joke that having her has been the longest relationship I have ever been in. Like with any other relationship, this one has come with its fair share of ups and downs.

Whenever someone says “I’m thinking of getting a dog,” it takes a lot for me not to bombard them with the thousand ways in which their life will change once they have the dog. I do try to play Devil’s Advocate and let them know it won’t all be sunshine and rainbows, and make them think about all the things I didn’t before I committed to Buttercup. Instead of doing that, I made this video for you guys, so you can have all the information before you are the sole provider of a furry pup.

I hope this video helps you determine whether now is the right time for you to adopt a dog. Please comment below if you do end up getting a dog - let me know what kind they are and what you named them! If you already have a pet, share with the rest of us if there is anything I missed, will you?

Thanks for watching!