How to De-Puff Your Eyes Using Lymphatic Drainage

My eyes tend to be huge indicators of what is going on in my life at the moment. I don’t mean that in the poetic ‘the eyes are the windows into the soul’ way, though I do think there is some truth to that statement. No; my eyes always tell on me if I have not been getting enough sleep, if I partied a little too hard the night before, but especially if I have been crying. Sometimes I don’t even have to cry that much, but if I get really, really upset, and a few tears are shed in the process, my eyes will get bulgy and will stay like that for the next 20 hours.


I have tried a bunch of things to try to bring the swelling down when this happens, but nothing has worked as well as combining cold-therapy with lymphatic drainage. Cold-therapy is really just a fancy term I use for putting spoons that I’ve taken out of the freezer around my eyes to bring the swelling down, and though that works great, it is not as practical nor does it provide as good results as a cold jade roller does.

Jade Rollers on their own are great for many things: improving circulation, relieving jaw pain, releasing tension in the muscles in the face. However, you can drastically increase the benefits of the facial massage if you do a lymphatic drainage with your roller. It sounds fancier and way more complicated than it actually is to perform, and it is a simple way to release some of the toxins that are in your system that may cause swelling. I keep mine in the fridge because even though jade as a stone has cooling properties, when my eyes are in crisis I need all the help I can get. It’s important to note that if you’re looking to improve circulation, a cold roller will defeat the purpose.

If you’re going to retain anything from this video, please remember the following two things:

  • Use your roller lightly. There is no need to press hard, or to tug at your skin. The more you tug, the more wrinkles or sagging you can create over time. We don’t need that.

  • Do your research before you buy a roller. If the seller is claiming to be selling jade, make sure they are reputable and actually selling jade. Read the reviews and make sure their roller doesn’t fall apart when it’s being used. The one I have is from Mount Lai.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried this, and if you liked the results. Have you tried any other kind of roller? Let me know if there is something out there you like better - I could use it!

Thanks for watching!