30 for 20: My New Year's Challenge

You know those times when you cannot get to sleep because there is a thought bouncing around your head that you cannot put to rest? Well, my YouTube channel has given me that sort of feeling for the last five years.

I love YouTube, always have. I think it is incredible that people from all over the world are willing to, and can easily do so, share their lives and knowledge with others who can watch it for free. Whenever I have an issue that I can’t seem to crack, I always go to YouTube. If I cannot fix it, at least it sets me on the right path.

I started my channel a few years ago out of a desire to participate in this community of exchanging information. Back then, I had a lot of free time, amazing resources, and really no reason not to. Then life got complicated, and there were other things that needed my attention more. Somehow, not being creative became my habit.

A photo of my very complicated setup in 2015. If it looks chaotic, it’s because it was.

A photo of my very complicated setup in 2015. If it looks chaotic, it’s because it was.

Recently, someone asked me what I thought I would be most likely to regret not doing if I looked back in 10 years, and this project was the only thing that came up for me. I don’t know if anything can come from it, but I don’t want to look back in 2030 and regret not having explored this further. I know I already feel like that (it’s been about 5 years since I published anything) and I what it could have been if I had been consistent with it. So I’m giving it a shot.

I hope you’ll stick around to see how this ends up! I can’t promise that everything I put up will be good, but I can tell you that it will be an interesting ride. And if nothing else, I hope my crazy challenge encourages you do the thing you don’t want to regret 10 years from now.

I hope you’re excited, cause I certainly am! I will see you very soon with a new video. (Hint: it will involve Buttercup).

Thanks for watching!