The 5 Pillars of a Successful Capsule Wardrobe

Let me guess: you attempted to put together a capsule wardrobe and really believed in your heart of hearts that this would make it so much easier to get dressed in the morning. You had big visions of stress and overwhelm being a thing of the past, and envisioned yourself becoming one of those chic people who always look put together and are perfectly styled with minimal effort.

You dressed from your capsule for two weeks and found yourself wearing the same things over and over again. It seemed like none of your clothes matched, and you always feel either overdressed or underdressed.

So you think: ‘I just need more clothes.’ And you bought more and more clothes, but the same problems that happened with a capsule wardrobe happened with the larger wardrobe as well. WTF?!

The problem with most (capsule) wardrobes

Most people start putting together capsule wardrobes from some generic list online that doesn’t consider their taste, lifestyle, or season of life, and that’s just the problem! Wardrobes, minimalist or not, are incredibly personal, and what works for one person is very unlikely to work for the next.

In order to create a successful capsule wardrobe (or a wardrobe of any size for that matter) it’s important to have these 5 pillars in place.

The 5 Pillars of a Successful Capsule Wardrobe

  • Vision - will serve as a North Star for what you want your wardrobe to be.

  • Color Palette - will have the biggest effect on tone, and make your wardrobe more versatile.

  • Authenticity - if it doesn’t fit who you really are and what you really do, it won’t work!

  • Personal Uniform - for the days when you just don’t know what to wear.

  • Functionality - makes sure everything fits, works, and is practical for your lifestyle.


How you can incorporate the 5 elements into your wardrobe

Building a wardrobe that is just right for you requires reflection, planning, and a little bit of soul searching, and the process is incredibly fun! Working with a capsule wardrobe stylist makes the process more enjoyable and efficient, and helps you avoid costly mistakes that you would make on your own (that thing with the tag still on in your closet? Not on my watch). 

If you’re interested in learning about the different ways you can work with a stylist to build a wardrobe that brings out the best in you, check out my Work With Me page.