Capsule Wardrobe Outfits: Summer 2021!

If you ever needed an example of how our wardrobes adapt to our lives, all you have to do is compare my last summer’s capsule wardrobe to my current one. Watching last year’s video feels odd to me; I don’t recognize my personal style in the pieces, and I also have very little recollection of living my life in those clothes. It’s almost as if I was playing dress up with someone else’s clothes, for someone else’s life.

When I think about it a little more, it makes perfect sense. Last summer’s capsule was built with the pandemic in mind - I knew I was barely going to be leaving the apartment and style was not really the main priority. Comfort, on the other hand, was. Many of those outfits were fine, but not really a good representation of how I like to dress in normal times. As far as style goes, these fell flat for me.

I like this summer’s capsule a lot better. My partner and I are now fully vaccinated, and after a year of barely leaving our apartment, we have started to go out more often. We went to dinner and took the train for the first time in over a year earlier this week, and I have to tell you: I really missed getting dressed up and going out. There’s something about putting an outfit together for a special occasion helps my confidence and my sense of creativity, and I really did miss it.

A summer outfit for all occasions

This capsule had a tall order: it needed to be comfortable enough for my work-from-home lifestyle, while still having enough options for taking meetings, the usual summer activities, and the occasional social gathering. While I’m still spending most of my time working from home with no one but Buttercup around, I did not want to feel like I was in loungewear all the time since I’ve discovered it really hurts my productivity. I also needed enough items to cover my basic summer activities: bike rides around NYC, picnics in the park with friends, plenty of outdoor dining experiences, and my favorite: laying on the grass and reading under a tree. Striking the balance between casual and presentable was a must for this capsule.

The pieces in my Summer 2021 Capsule Wardrobe 

While most of the pieces in this capsule have been in my wardrobe for at least a couple of months, I did purchase three new pieces for this particular season. I’ve marked the new pieces with an asterisk, but linked as many items as possible below:




  • Yellow Linen Jumpsuit - Loft, out of stock.

  • Red Linen Midi Dress (Similar) - Velvet Heart

  • Patterned Mini Dress - H&M, out of stock. 




  • Small Square Bag - GBagShop* (Gifted) use code FERNANDA45 for 45% off any item on the website, or FERNANDA50 for a purchase of this specific bag and any additional one. 

Making these outfit combinations videos is always the true test of any capsule - it’s when I can see how versatile the pieces are, if I have enough outfits for all the occasions I need to cover, and which pieces are really working well vs. the ones that are not. Overall, I’m pretty happy with this capsule! There’s a few old pieces that I’m noticing are not doing my complexion any favors, but other than that the capsule is working well. I’m very curious to see what next summer’s capsule will look like!


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