5 Tips For Having A More Sustainable Wardrobe That You Can Apply Today

It’s no secret that climate change is a huge problem we have to tackle. It feels like the effects of global warming are everywhere we turn these days, and what feels worse is that reversing the effects seems like an almost impossible task.

We got to this point by making small, seemingly insignificant choices that cumulatively, have had enormous effects on our world. But the good news is that in a similar way, small, seemingly insignificant choices can cumulatively make a big difference. We just have to be mindful of them.

Sustainability is a huge topic, one that I, by no means, consider myself an expert in. But what I have noticed is that changing our habits to more eco-conscious ones is easier than it sounds. There is a lot of information out there about what we can do to make more eco-friendly choices on a daily basis, but very few touch the subject of our wardrobes.

The fashion industry is the second most damaging industry to the environment in the world, so it makes sense that we would begin by looking at the choices we make with our wardrobes. Here are 5 tips that you can apply today to start creating a more sustainable wardrobe.

Tip #1: Buy Less

It seems obvious, but this is really what is going to get us the largest results when we all do it. Our behavior dictates the fashion industry, and when we shop less, we are asking to reduce production, reduce the use of resources, reduce the emissions created by transporting the products, the waste created from the packaging, and in some instances, the damage that comes from burning unsold merchandise.

The good news is that a great capsule wardrobe is helpful to make us realize how little we really need. If you need help creating one, check out my Capsule Wardrobe Formula.


Tip #2: Buy Second-Hand

There will be times when we’ll need to get new items for our wardrobes, but while those items are new to us, it doesn’t mean they have to be new completely. Shopping second hand is not only budget friendly, but it has an enormous impact on the environment. In fact, according to ThredUp, if every person in the United States got just one of the items that they get each year second-hand, the collective impact would be equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the roads for that entire year!

Tip #3: Switch Your Laundry Detergent To An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Typical laundry detergent has two main problems. First, it has a lot of damaging ingredients that are discarded in our waste water, damaging our environment. Second, it comes in a huge plastic jug, which will never decompose. A simple solution to this is to switch to a more sustainable laundry detergent, like True Earth Eco-Strips Laundry Detergent. It is made with a vegan and plant-based formula, it dissolves completely into the water, and comes in compostable packaging. And, it has the added bonus of being far less bulky to store than traditional laundry detergents - while working better than most brands!

Tip #4: Borrow or Rent Clothing, As Opposed To Buying

I don’t know about you, but I have gotten into the habit of thinking I need to buy something new when I have somewhere to go, but don’t have the proper clothes to wear - when I can always borrow or rent them! Not only can we take advantage of our girlfriend’s closets, but there are countless services out there that offer clothes to rent for many occasions, from formal to maternity wear, at a fraction of the price that it would cost to own. Eco-friendly, and budget friendly, at the same time!

Tip #5: Host Clothing Swap Parties

Every so often, get a group of people together who are interested in finding new homes for the items in good condition that they no longer want, and invite them to “shop” other people’s items. These parties serve as a great way to get rid of those items in our closets that are dragging us down, while also giving us the thrill of finding a new item for our wardrobes without spending a dime! Plus, the leftover items can be collected by the host, and donated to a shelter or organization. It’s a win-win-WIN!

Making sustainable choices for our wardrobes doesn’t have to be difficult or monumental - it can start with the little things. Let me know your favorite sustainable wardrobe tips in the comments below, and as always, thanks for watching!

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