My Experience With Project 333: Is This The Gateway to Minimalism?

Chances are that you are here because you are attracted to the idea of living with less and/or curious about having a minimalist wardrobe, but it sounds intimidating, overwhelming, and you are not sure where to start.

When I first tried Project 333 back in 2015, I was noticing that I had a lot of stuff, but I was spending more time managing it than actually enjoying it. Deciding what to wear took forever, and though I had accumulated all of these clothes, they brought me more stress than joy.

I wanted to share my personal experience with Project 333 because this challenge was my first experience with living with significantly less (of anything) than what an average person in America has. The experience of it, while being a little rough in the beginning, is what started me on the pathway to living with less.

But what is Project 333?

Project 333 is a minimalist fashion challenge created by author Courtney Carver, in which you dress from 33 items of clothing or less for 3 months.

Those 33 items include: clothing for work and play, shoes, accessories, purses, and outerwear.

What you don’t count is: underwear, sleepwear, loungewear (stuff that you NEVER wear outside of the home) and workout gear - but your workout clothes MUST work out. If you wear athleisure when you’re not working out, then you do include them in your 33. You also don’t count sentimental jewelry, like your wedding ring or anything you wear every single day.

To learn in more detail about P333, you can read Courtney Carver’s book, Project 333 or visit her blog.

A lot of people are hesitant to try dressing from a capsule wardrobe when I mention that I do so myself. The most common hesitations I hear are:

  • “If I dress from a capsule wardrobe, people will notice!”

  • “I would get bored/ I worry it won’t be enough.”

I address both of these concerns, as well as my personal Pros and Cons about the project, in today’s video.

While I no longer follow P333 to the letter, there are certain elements about it that I have retained to this day. I wrote about it in detail a few months ago on a blog post, but I get this question so often that I thought it would be helpful to include it in the video.

Have you tried Project 333? If so, do you still do it? If not, what is holding you back? Leave me a comment below!

I hope this video gives you the information that you need to decide to try a capsule wardrobe for a short period of time. Remember - Project 333 is not permanent! It’s just a challenge, and you don’t have to get rid of all your clothes. There is nothing to loose!

As always, thanks for watching!

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