Off-Season Wardrobe Declutter: What to do with the clothes not in your capsule wardrobe

You decided that your wardrobe needed a refresh, so you created a killer capsule using the capsule wardrobe formula, and now you have a cohesive 15-piece wardrobe that you are excited to wear. Go, you! Now… what to do with all the rest?

We’re in the middle of spring where I live, which means it’s a great time to do a bit of spring cleaning by decluttering the things that no longer inspire me. Personally, I like to do a mini-declutter every time I switch seasonal wardrobes. Transitional times help me easily differentiate between what I really love from the ending season and what I’m not really looking forward to wearing again. Similarly, I usually have a pretty good idea of what I’m looking forward to wearing again from my incoming season’s wardrobe (typically, I remember what I love and have no recollection of what doesn’t excite me).

Decluttering can be an incredibly overwhelming task - where does one begin? Usually, just the idea of going through all of our things is so overwhelming that we choose to not do it at all. Because of that, I figured that it could be helpful if I brought you along for my afternoon of decluttering.

The way I decide what to keep and what to part with is very heavily influenced by Marie Kondo’s method, as detailed in ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’. Step Zero of the Konmari method is to imagine and journal about your ideal space, life, or in this case, your ideal wardrobe. This gives you a strong point of reference to which to compare your items against. That raggedy t-shirt from your college’s improv troop… is that something that made it into your ideal capsule wardrobe board? No? Then it’s safe to say you should part with it.

Bye, things that don’t ‘spark joy’!

Bye, things that don’t ‘spark joy’!

By this point, I have a pretty strong idea of what I want from my clothing: I want them to be comfortable, warm/cool enough, good quality, and look great. Bonus points it is affordable, but that changes depending on what I’m shopping for. Knowing this makes it easier for me to part with the things that do not fit the criteria.

I like to start by putting everything I own on the bed where I can see it. There is nothing like being confronted with a pile of everything you own to realize how much you have (works like a charm for me). Then, I look for the off-season things I know I want to keep - they usually jump right out. In this case, because it is spring, I looked for the winter & summer things I would wear today if the temperature allowed. Then, I assess what is left. I’m not looking for what to get rid of - I’m looking for what to keep. Usually, if an item is not a hell yes!, it’s a no. Then, it is just a matter of figuring out why it is a no.

Usually, the no’s fall into one of these categories:

These are the items I’m getting repaired.

These are the items I’m getting repaired.

  • The item looks worn and tired beyond repair (RECYCLE IT).

  • The item doesn’t fit correctly (Do I like it? If so, GET IT TAILORED! If not, can it be SOLD?).

  • I like the item, I just don’t like it on me (SELL IT).

  • The item is in decent condition, but has signs of wear (DONATE IT).

*This would be much better explained by an infographic. If you think that would be useful for you, leave me a comment below and I will put one together for you.

I handle item by item until they have all been sorted. When I’m done, I usually have a pretty good idea of why I am not wearing certain things, which prevents me from keeping or buying things that I know I won’t like in the future.


I hope this video is helpful and that it inspires you to part with the things you no longer love. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments below or reach me on Twitter or Instagram, @vazq_Fernanda. As always, thanks for watching!

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