Treat Yourself To An At-Home Facial with Pantry Ingredients

There is honestly nothing in the world that I find more relaxing than getting a good facial. I of course love the skincare aspect of it, but I think what I find the most relaxing is the ritual of going to the spa. I don’t go as often as I would like, but when I do, I make the most of it: I carve out a couple of hours to lounge around the spa, I leave my phone in the locker room, drink all the teas and taste all the healthy snacks they have, and basically just allow myself to do nothing. I have a hard time letting myself relax, but not at the spa!

Obviously, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, all spas are closed at the moment, but there is no denying that we could all use a little R&R. This got me thinking… could I recreate the experience of getting a good facial while safe at home? The answer, is yes.

Not only did I want to take you through the step-by-step process of giving yourself an excellent facial, I also wanted to share with you a few recipes for natural DIY Facial Masks that you can make at home, just in case you don’t have any exfoliants or masks available. All of these recipes can be made easily with ingredients you can find in your kitchen, or with a quick trip to the grocery store.

An Important Note About DIY Skincare

Whenever you find yourself mixing up your own lotions & potions in the kitchen, please do yourself a huge favor and patch test the formula before you apply it widely all over your skin. You never know when your skin is going to react negatively to an enzyme in some fruit, or when you’re allergic to one of the ingredients. Please, apply a little bit of your mixture in an area that is close to your neck, leave the mask on for 10 minutes, and then rinse. If your skin does not react to it two hours later, you are probably good to go.

The Basic Steps to a Spa Facial

  1. Removing Makeup and Cleansing Skin

  2. Steam

  3. Exfoliation

  4. Facial Massage

  5. Facial Mask

  6. Final Applications: Moisturizers, Sunscreens, etc

Note: A professional would also perform extractions, but I don’t recommend you do this at home. Doing it wrong can cause your skin to scar, so you are better off leaving your blemishes alone.

Exfoliation is an essential step in any facial, as it removes the dead cells from the surface of the skin to allow nutrients to be absorbed better. This is my favorite recipe for a DIY Exfoliant:



  • 1/2 banana, mashed. Banana is a mild exfoliant, and great for mask texture.

  • 1/4 cup of ground oats - also an exfoliant, calming for the skin.

    You can ground your oats easily by placing them a few times in a blender or food processor and pulsing a few times. Mix the mashed banana and the oats unit you get a uniform color & consistency. Spread over skin gently, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

PLEASE NOTE: Even though this mask has a chunky texture, it should not be used to scrub your skin. This mask is a chemical exfoliant, which means the acids and enzymes in the ingredients are what exfoliates your skin, as opposed to the abrasion from the oats. Depending on how finely your oats are ground, they can have sharp edges that can cut your skin very lightly.

Depending on what your skin needs, I recommend you use one or both of the facial masks below. You can always multi-mask if different areas of your skin are showing different concerns.

DIY Turmeric Mask


  • 1 tsp of ground turmeric - A great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and redness reducer.

  • 1 tbsp of plain greek yogurt - Contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates the skin.

  • 1 tsp of raw honey - Great moisturizer, anti fungal, and great for mask texture.

    Combine the ingredients until they form a uniform consistency, and apply to skin for 10-15 minutes. Remove when it is visible dry. If the skin has a slight yellow tint after use, massage with a plant-based oil and remove with a wet cloth.



  • 1/4 cup of fresh avocado - Intensely hydrating for the skin.

  • 1 tsp raw honey - Great moisturizer, and great for mask texture.

    Mix both ingredients until combined. This mask will have a bit of a chunky texture. Apply to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove with water or with a warm, wet washcloth.

I hope this video inspires you to treat yourself to a little facial at home. A little me time never hurt nobody. Let me know if you tried these masks and if you liked them, and let me know what videos you want to see next. Thanks for watching!