Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Transition: Summer to Fall

When it comes to capsule dressing, I’ve made all the mistakes. Between the capsules I’ve put together for myself, plus the ones for my clients, you bet that if there was a mistake to be made, I’ve made it. 

Not knowing how to transition a capsule from one season to the next was definitely one of them. In the Spring of 2015 I was so done with Winter that I dove head first into the light fabrics and colors that I was longing to wear... right in the middle of March. Needless to say, I was freezing most of the spring and ended up wearing the same thing over and over again.

I wish that at the time someone had told me that the transition itself can take some time if you want the capsule to be functional. I had just created something from the clothes that I had and didn’t consider categories, the actual weather, or gave myself nearly as many layers as I should have to make the capsule versatile for both the beginning and end of Spring. Mistakes all around.

How to transition your capsule wardrobe from Summer to Fall 

As September approaches and we begin to get excited about our Fall Capsules, I wanted to take you through my recommended process for transitioning a capsule wardrobe. In this video you’ll learn:

  • Why I always recommend that you put together a 15-piece capsule wardrobe, whether you will dress from only 15-pieces or not;

  • How to identify EXACTLY what your capsule wardrobe is missing so that shopping is a breeze;

  • Why I have learned to make peace with the online cookies and use them to my advantage.

Key takeaways of a seasonal capsule wardrobe transition

The most important things to remember when transitioning between seasons are:

  • Layers are your friend. Include as many layers of as many weights as you can, especially if they’re versatile, as this will help you adjust to many temperatures. 

  • Build your capsule with intention. Don’t just include or buy a piece because it’s cute (I’m begging you, please don’t!). Knowing where you will wear it and how to match it will make your capsule more successful.

  • Start with what you have. You do not need to buy 15 new pieces every season. Start by looking at your current wardrobe and seeing what will work to bring with you into the new season. The capsule will come together much easier this way, I promise!

And if you want some help putting together your capsule wardrobe, I can help with that! I’ll soon be hosting free live Q&A sessions so that you can get my help as you build your capsule wardrobe. If you’re interested in attending one of those, make sure you sign up for my email list, and I’ll let you know when the calendar opens!
