5 Tips For Staying Productive When Working From Home

I work freelance, and while for some projects there is actually an office I have to report to every day, a lot of projects I pick up require me to work from home.

Working from home can be a bit tricky if it’s not part of our regular routine. For me, the distractions of my home are constantly calling out for my attention. I find many more things to waste time on than I ever do when I’m in an office.

For those of you who have to do some work from home, I put together what I found to be most useful tips for having a productive work day. These will be beneficial to anyone, both if you work for someone else or you are working on your own side hustle. I purposely selected the tips that can be applied at any time, regardless of whether it’s your first day working from home, or if you have been doing it for years.

My Top 5 Tips for Staying Productive When Working From Home

  1. Walk “to work.”

  2. Eliminate your biggest home distraction.

  3. Identify your biggest time suck, and get ahead of it.

  4. Use the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused at take frequent breaks.

  5. Set a clear end to your work day.


Ironically, a lot of these tips are actually centered around your day having balance between work and rest, as opposed to just focusing on your productivity. In my experience, the quality of our rest highly impacts the quality of our work. Setting up your day right, and giving yourself proper breaks, will highly impact how productive you are throughout it.

Please let me know in the comments if you have other tips for working from home that have been beneficial to you - I can always use them! Thanks for watching, and hope you have a happy workday!